Massage and Meditation
by Julie Crowell-Gunter
Are meditation and balance on your New Years goals? Have you been searching for ways to bring stillness in your life? Are you looking for ways to relax? Scheduling a massage may just be what you need to kickstart your wellness goals. Meditation and balance have been thrown around lately as buzz words. Yet, sometimes it’s difficult to know what those words even mean, or how they can be applied in our day to day lives. Meditation has been boxed into the image of sitting crossed legged on the floor, eyes closed, and chanting ommmmmmmm. But, it can be so much more than that.
Have you ever considered using a 30, 60, or 90-minute massage as meditation? Meditation is about setting aside a specific time to withdrawal from the hustle and bustle of this world. Meditation is about giving your mind, body, and soul a space to rest. Allowing yourself a time to decompress can bring significant healing in many areas of your life. A massage can certainly release muscle tension, stimulate blood flow, and relieve nerve impingement, but a massage can also be a safe space to give rest to your mind and soul.
Take in consideration the comfort of a quiet, dark room with the flicker of candlelight. The fragrance of lavender, peppermint, or rosemary. The soft hum of music with occasional words of encouragement and hope sung over you could quite possibly be the start of the long overdue healing process you desire. A massage can begin to lift the heaviness you have been living with for far too long. This is part of what meditation incorporates; rest for mind, body, and soul. Call to schedule your massage today. It is time to start saying yes to rest and begin your journey to wellness for your mind, body, and soul.

Meet Julie:
Julie has been actively working as a massage therapist for several years. Through therapeutic massage, Julie offers restoration of the body, renewing of the mind, and refreshment to the soul.